Mathan Kumar

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Mathan Kumar

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Blog Post

Pro Linux Commands – Day to day use for Linux System Admins

November 21, 2023 Linux
File Management Commands
chgrpChanges a file’s group
chmodChanges a file’s permissions
chownChanges a file’s user ownership
cpCopies a file
ddConverts and copies
dfDisplays disk usage statistics
duDisplays directory space usage
fileIdentifies a file type
findSearches for a file
lnCreates a symbolic or hard link
lsLists files
mkdirCreates a directory
mkfifoCreates a named pipe
mknodCreates a special file
mvRenames or moves a file
rmRemoves a file
touchCreates a file or updates a file’s timestamp
System Information Commands
archDisplays the system architecture
dfDisplays disk usage statistics
dmesgDisplays buffered kernel messages
fingerDisplays user information
freeDisplays free memory statistics
hostnameDisplays the current host’s name
lastShows the last users who logged in
ttyDisplays the current terminal name
uptimeDisplays system load and how long the system has been running
vmstatDisplays virtual memory statistics
unameDisplays kernel identification information
wDisplays uptime information and current users
whoDisplays current users
whoamiDisplays the current user
Text Processing and Scripting Commands
awkThe awk general-purpose text processing language
basenameStrips extensions and directories from filenames
catDisplays and concatenates files
cmpCompares binary files
cutExtracts columns of lines
diffCompares text files
dirnameExtracts the directory from a filename
echoPrints text
edA classic line-based text editor
egrepExtended grep
exA newer line-based text editor
exprEvaluates a mathematical expression
falseReturns a nonzero exit code
fmtBreaks long lines and reformats text
grepSearches for lines matching a regular expression
groffA multi-purpose typesetting utility
headDisplays the first lines of a file
ispellA spelling checker
lessDisplays a text file
moreDisplays a text file
nroffFormats roff documents for text display
patchIncorporates changes into files; the opposite of diff
perlA general-purpose scripting language
sedA stream editor
sortSorts lines in a file
splitChops a file into pieces
tailDisplays the last lines of a file
viA visual full-screen editor
wcCounts words, lines, and characters in a file
xargsExecutes a command repeatedly with arguments from the input stream
Online Documentation Commands
infoDisplays GNU-style documentation
manDisplays the traditional Unix online manual
Archival and Compression Commands
bunzip2A decompression program
bzip2A decompression program
cpioAn archival program
gunzipA decompression program
gzipA compression program
tarAn archival program
uncompressA decompression program
unsharA de-archival program
uudecodeA decoding program (the counterpart of uuencode)
uuencodeEncodes binary file into a text file
zcatDecompresses into a file stream
Process and System Utility Commands
atRuns a program at a certain time
chfnChanges finger information
chshChanges shells
crontabRuns a periodic job
groupsShows group membership
idShows the current user ID
killSends a signal to a process
loggerRecords a message to the system logger
loginAllows a user to login
lsofLists open files and other information
mountAttaches a filesystem to a directory tree
newgrpChanges the current default group
niceRuns a process with a suggested priority
passwdChanges a password
printenvPrints environment variables
psDisplays processes
reniceChanges the suggested priority for a process
resetAttempts to reset the terminal
straceTraces system calls
suSwitches users
syncWrites kernel buffers to disk
timeDisplays how much processor and system time a process takes
topShows the processes with the most resource consumption
umountDetaches a filesystem from a directory tree
Miscellaneous Utility Commands
bcA simple calculator
calShows a calendar
dateDisplays the current date
dcRuns the RPN calculator
pwdPrints the working directory
scriptStarts a shell where all output is recorded in a file
sleepPauses for a specified number of seconds
stringsAttempts to show any text embedded in a binary file
yesPrints an endless stream of lines
whichDisplays the first matching program in the current path
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